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Trudeau roils out his carbon tax rebate gimmick

Started by Anonymous, October 23, 2018, 11:04:24 PM

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With a year to go before the next election, Trudeau claims he'll tax carbon, but they'll give all the money back. Not  quite and not even close.

This is a one-off, pre election rebate at twenty dollars per tonne. What about when the tax rises to  fifty dollars per tonne by 2022 and who knows how high after that.

Edit, this temporary rebate scam is only for provinces like mine that said no to his tax grab.


OTTAWA — Small businesses are warning that the carbon tax rebate system outlined by Ottawa on Tuesday could force the private sector to shoulder an unfair portion of the costs, piling on new tax burdens just as expanded Canada Pension Plan requirements come into force next year.

The "deeply worrisome" tax changes will affect everyone from small textile manufacturers to, say, pizza restaurants that use natural gas-fired ovens, said Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). He said the rebate system introduced Tuesday could reignite anger within the small business community that came as a result of Finance Minister Bill Morneau's small business tax changes last year, which effectively raised taxes on high-wealth individuals and kicked off a political uproar.

"They already picked a fight with business owners with the small business tax changes in 2017, and now it looks like there will be another big one in 2018 over carbon taxation," Kelly said.

"It may have completely wiped out whatever reconciliation was happening between them."

He said the carbon tax rebate system, which will be enforced in four provinces, comes just as Ottawa prepares to roll out expanded CPP contributions, which will eventually raise the individual benefit rate by 33 per cent. The expanded contributions begin next year. Employers pay half of CPP benefits, which in turn raises payroll costs.

Kelly also warned the government against introducing an overly complicated application process to apply for rebates, saying that a series of tax changes over the Liberal's time in power has increased the administrative burden for business owners. Ottawa on Tuesday promised some form of reimbursements for small businesses in light of the carbon tax rebates.

"This will likely turn into a paper chase," Kelly said."> ... -tax-fight">

Another expensive burden on job creators. Last foreign investor to leave Canada be sure to hang the going out of business sign.


Pretending this any longer has anything to do with "fighting climate change," as the government continued to insist Tuesday, takes yet more gall. It was just a couple of weeks ago that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shredded that pretext, having declared that for a carbon tax to be effective in saving the climate from apocalyptical warming it would have to start at least at US$135 a tonne and maybe even rise to US$5,500 a tonne by 2030. The Liberals' tax starts at $20 and rises to $50. Projections currently show they won't even meet their commitments to 2016's Paris climate agreement unless its at least $200 a tonne, although that reality was also inverted Tuesday as the federal government publicly pretended that meeting its Paris promise was well underway without challenges.

The Liberals' entire rollout of a tax that, for now will apply only to Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick, was in fact a breathtaking manipulation of language and assault on logic. And all built on the assumption that most Canadians are sufficiently dim, gullible or submissive — and possibly all three — to let a few dollars in carbon rebates deceive them into accepting this centrally-planned assault on their lives, their jobs and their prosperity.

Carbon dioxide (produced by so many living organisms) shall now be called "pollution," the Liberals made clear on Tuesday. And it can no longer be allowed to be "free," despite all evidence to the contrary. Also, tax rebates shall henceforth be called "Climate Action Incentives." And carbon levies will actually make us richer. In Liberal Canada, taxes pay you!

it's a plan to raise business costs and give imports an advantage at the very moment that our economy is already burdened by a tax regime judged far less attractive than those of our economic competitors, using levies that economists agree are too low to seriously affect emissions but are enough to harm the economy."> ... d_articles">

You won't be getting any Climate Action Incentives to make up for those pricier products and groceries.


Seoul, do you believe the earth's climate is changing?

If you do, is it serious and is man responsible for it?

And what do you suggest we do about it if man is causing the planet to warm?


Quote from: "Fashionista"Seoul, do you believe the earth's climate is changing?

If you do, is it serious and is man responsible for it?

And what do you suggest we do about it if man is causing the planet to warm?

Yes, I believe the earth's climate is in a constant state of flux. I believe the basic science of AGW, but I believe natural occurrences play the dominant role in climate change as they always have. I don't know for sure as climate science is still in it's infancy.

To err on the side of caution, I would incentivize businesses to lower their carbon footprint through the tax code instead of job killing carbon taxes. I would introduce tax credits for individuals who reduce their carbon footprint. But, I haven't thought through the details of that yet.

This is a good discussion topic and I hope a certain attention starved troll doesn't derail it. DD started a thread at the other place with an excellent video only to have it derailed by Joe, Total Dunce and that sock Karl. None of whom actually watched the video.

Berry Sweet

No amount of money is going to help or save the planet.  JT is an idiot.

What I would like to see is some kind of world action to help clean  up all the garbage, do something with it and make the world a better place.  But we all know THAT will never happen.


No action which allows some countries to commit to Plan A, while others commit to Plan B will be effective.

This whole "climate change agreement" is a leftist proposal to enable third world countries to continue polluting whilst first worlders pay the bill.

Either we are ALL going to stop emissions, or none. As long as the UN, controlled and manipulated by small nations looking to make a buck from rich ones, is involved, this is going nowhere.

The fact that our elected leaders, excluding Trump and our own PM, continue this is anything but a wealth distribution scam, speaks volumes for the idiots modern western democracies elect.

Berry Sweet

This next year is going to be a total gong show.  I can see it now...all the bullshit and nonsense.

I believe only Liberals JT and Conservative Andrew Scheer are running....I'm not sure if this  NDP Jagmeet Singh is running or not???


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"No amount of money is going to help or save the planet.  JT is an idiot.

What I would like to see is some kind of world action to help clean  up all the garbage, do something with it and make the world a better place.  But we all know THAT will never happen.

True, but he feels calling C02 pollution and giving temporary rebate cheques to people in a few provinces will save his job.

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"No amount of money is going to help or save the planet.  JT is an idiot.

What I would like to see is some kind of world action to help clean  up all the garbage, do something with it and make the world a better place.  But we all know THAT will never happen.

True, but he feels calling C02 pollution and giving temporary rebate cheques to people in a few provinces will save his job.

Who cares what he feels.  It's the wrong answer.  Doesnt matter who gets elected, in the end it all goes to their head and all choices they make are wrong.  This world is shot.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"No amount of money is going to help or save the planet.  JT is an idiot.

What I would like to see is some kind of world action to help clean  up all the garbage, do something with it and make the world a better place.  But we all know THAT will never happen.

True, but he feels calling C02 pollution and giving temporary rebate cheques to people in a few provinces will save his job.

Throw a few dollars of the people's money back at them while he puts them out of work and into the poor house.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"Seoul, do you believe the earth's climate is changing?

If you do, is it serious and is man responsible for it?

And what do you suggest we do about it if man is causing the planet to warm?

Yes, I believe the earth's climate is in a constant state of flux. I believe the basic science of AGW, but I believe natural occurrences play the dominant role in climate change as they always have. I don't know for sure as climate science is still in it's infancy.

To err on the side of caution, I would incentivize businesses to lower their carbon footprint through the tax code instead of job killing carbon taxes. I would introduce tax credits for individuals who reduce their carbon footprint. But, I haven't thought through the details of that yet.

This is a good discussion topic and I hope a certain attention starved troll doesn't derail it. DD started a thread at the other place with an excellent video only to have it derailed by Joe, Total Dunce and that sock Karl. None of whom actually watched the video.

This will not buy the votes of the people of Saskatchewan. They know it hurts our export dependent economy.

And, that was bullshit the way the kneejerk progs and trolls ruined Dink's thread on VF.


Newfoundland's cabon tax was accepted by Ottawa..

They lowered the gasoline tax four cents and will levy a  carbon tax on it of 4.42 cents..

They lowered the diesel tax five cents and will impose a carbon tax 5.37 cents..

No increases in home heating costs and no penalty to exporters..

This is carbon tax I wouldn't mind.



By Candace Malcolm

PM'S carbon levy a plague on overtaxed Canadians

Canadians are taxed to death.

We pay taxes when we earn money, taxes when we spend, taxes when we save and taxes when we invest.

We pay taxes on basic necessities, like food, housing, clothing and heating our homes during the long Canadian winters. We even pay taxes on our taxes. When Canadians fill up at the pump, we pay a sales tax that gets applied on top of the hidden gasoline taxes.

According to the Fraser Institute, Canadians pay 42% of all the money we earn in taxes.

This is all important context when discussing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's carbon tax grab.

[size=150]Trudeau, being Trudeau, doesn't call it a tax. Much like how he calls terrorists "foreign travellers" and those who illegally cross into Canada "irregular immigrants," Trudeau calls his carbon tax a "price on pollution."[/size]

The Liberal government, joined by its friends in the mainstream media, loves to tout that carbon taxes are recommended by economists as an efficient way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

For people who claim to have economists on their side, they sure seem to lack a basic understanding of how markets work.

Trudeau's tax is imposed on carbon, which means it's imposed on everything.

To help make this more palatable, Trudeau has pledged to bribe Canadians with our own money, using another sly euphemism, a "climate action tax credit."

But Trudeau's rebate will only help offset a portion of tax paid by Canadians, not the endless unseen increases to our cost of living coming as we pay higher prices on everyday goods and services. But that's the entire point.

[size=150]The carbon tax is specifically designed to make our lives more expensive. By imposing a regressive tax, the Trudeau government is purposefully lowering our standard of living.


We will drive less, buy less, do less and have less.

Getting a modest rebate during tax season, if you trust this cash-strapped, spendthrift government to follow through, is little consolation.

[size=150]Trudeau is making Canadians feel artificially poorer[/size], in pursuit of a pie-in-the-sky United Nations scheme that disproportionately punishes North American consumers.

In recent years, however, Canada and the U.S. have reduced carbon emissions. As technologies improve and consumers become more savvy, rich countries have an impressive record of curbing emissions — without heavyhanded, top-down, government-knows-best schemes like Trudeau's.

Canada's carbon emissions dropped by 1.4% in 2016 without a carbon tax; carbon emissions fell by 2.7% last year in the U.S., after they withdrew from the UN Paris accord.

Meanwhile, global emissions continue to rise. Developing countries like China and India don't really care what UN bureaucrats and global boy scouts like Trudeau have to say and continue to expand their resource sectors. They're doing what's best for their citizens.

In Canada, the opposite is true.

Trudeau is punishing us through higher taxes, killing our resource industry through endless red-tape and, all the while, pretending he's helping us. But even he knows his tax grab is futile when it comes to saving the planet; he admitted so much this week on a Quebec talk show. "Even if Canada stopped everything tomorrow... it wouldn't make a big difference"

What Trudeau's carbon tax does, instead, is give governments a new and lucrative way to pry more money away from over-taxed citizens and ensure we get to keep less of our own hard-earned cash.

Canadians should do everything possible to stop Trudeau's destructive carbon tax.

Berry Sweet

This tax shit is getting out of hand...we pay tax on our employment cheques, pay  tax when you purchase something, pay tax on gas ON TOP of the tax already implied in the cost..etc etc etc....too much double and triple dipping...